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Chapter Education

Sandra Adomatis

Residential and Commercial Valuation of Solar January 20, 2025

Join the Phoenix Chapter of the Appraisal Institute with an "in person" class with the current President of the Appraisal Institute!  Sandra Adomatis will be teaching an in-person class on Solar at the Salt River Project Administration Building, (1500 N. Mill Avenue, Tempe, AZ 85281) on January 20 -21, 2025. This will be a 14 Hour class for the screaming deal of $100!

The number of solar photovoltaic (PV) system installations continues to increase as the price becomes more feasible in many markets. Appraisers will find the valuation a challenge without knowledge of the technology and data available to use the most appropriate methodology. Appraisers must expand their knowledge base to understand how electricity and solar PV is priced, and to understand how solar PV systems function to develop a credible value. If you are seeking education that will hone your skills or teach you new ones, this is the course for you. Residential and commercial appraisers will work together to apply an income capitalization approach and cost approach to valuing energy produced for solar PV systems. All you need is a tablet or iPad, with Internet access, and you will use free online software to value the energy that solar systems produce.

This is an advanced course that requires the use of a discounted cash flow analysis. Because of its difficulty, double AI CE points are awarded.

Important Course Requirements: This course uses free, third-party software known as PV Value or Ei Value to complete the case studies. The software has been vetted by the Appraisal Institute, but course participants should have knowledge of the discounted cash flow analysis. The case studies emulate appraisal problems that appraisers face every day. For educational purposes only, the case study provides a discount rate to use in this course. Appraisers must analyze and conclude the appropriate discount rate for their market, which will change based on the local market’s view of solar and changes in kWh prices, solar production, and cost new.

Please note. This course does not address utility-scale solar (solar farms), solar thermal, or other on-site renewable energy generation.

Note. This course is in the Valuation of Sustainable Buildings Professional Development Program. View this list of FAQs, which includes information regarding the courses you’ll need to complete the program successfully.
REGISTER NOW, the class is limited to 40 people.

AI Price :$100
Full Price: $100

For questions about this class, contact Phoenix Chapter representative, Jenny Calabrese at (916) 972-9700, or

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Basic Appraisal Principals - In Person Class!

If you’re considering a career in professional valuation services, your journey should begin with Basic Appraisal Principles. This four-day course will introduce you to real property concepts and characteristics, legal considerations, influences on real estate values, types of value, economic principles, real estate markets and analysis, highest and best use, and ethical considerations. The course should provide a solid foundation in basic appraisal principles no matter what appraisal specialty you pursue.

The instructor will be Jason Tillema, SRA, AI-RRS, ASA, IFA. In his many years as an active appraiser and as an advocate for the industry, he developed seminars and discussion panels for the appraisal profession. Over time he became more involved in the instructor role and now provides courses and seminars through Education Resources.

This will be a 28 hour class with a 2 hour exam, to be held in Arizona at the Hyatt Place Tempe Phoenix Airport facitly.  The hotel is at 1413 W. Rio Sallado Parkwya in Tempe, Arizona 85281.   Dates are from February 4-7, 2025 from 8:30 - 5:00pm, (Mountain Standard Time).   The class is desgined for both beginning appraisers, real estate professionals, users of appraisal services, and college students.  
REGISTER NOW, the class is limited to 40 people.

AI Price :$Unknown
Full Price: $Unknown

For questions about this class, contact Phoenix Chapter representative, Jenny Calabrese at (916) 972-9700, or

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USPAP December 11th, 2024 via Zoom...

The Phoenix Chapter will host a 7 hour in ZOOM class Thursday December 11th, 2024 on USPAP, (Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice), from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, mountain standard time.  The class will be taught by Ted Whitmer, MAI, AI-GRS.  Ted is a licensed lawyer and Real Estate Broker in Texas, and has experience teaching every required course in the Institute for MAI designation.  He teaches a workshop designed to assist candidates for designation in their pursuit of an MAI designation, and is one of the best appraisal instructors in the nation. 

This required 7-hour continuing education course, copyrighted by The Appraisal Foundation, focuses on USPAP requirements for ethical behavior and competent performance by appraisers. The first part of the course addresses the changes to USPAP, which are effective January 1, 2024, and the second focuses on cases studies that challenge you how to apply USPAP to situations you encounter in your daily practice. The course will help you gain competency in USPAP, and it will help those subject to state licensing or certification and continuing education requirements imposed by professional organizations, client groups, or employers gain competency as well.

In the past, the Advisory Opinions and Frequently Asked Questions, which were required materials for the course, were bundled with the USPAP publication. Now they are contained in a separate publication, USPAP Guidance and Reference Manual. This manual provides examples showing the applicability of standards in specific situations and offers advice from the ASB for resolving appraisal issues and problems. It also contains the Reference Index which is a highly useful tool that helps appraisers quickly find answers to USPAP-related questions. This new Guidance and Reference Manual is included with your course handbook. Please note, however, that USPAP 2024, which includes Standards 1-10 and is required for the course, must be purchased separately.

REGISTER NOW, the class is limited to 40 people.

AI Price :$185
Full Price: $205

For questions about this class, contact Phoenix Chapter representative, Jenny Calabrese at (916) 972-9700, or

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This class has been cancelled due to low turn-out. However, members and guests are encourage to register instead for Fall Forum to be held Thursday November 14, 2024, with information found on the “Home” Page of this website.  Registration for the Fall Forum can be found here

The Phoenix Chapter will host a 7 hour in person class Monday October 21, 2024 on the Impact of Short-term Rentals on Real Property Valuation from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, Arizona Time (Pacific Daylight Time). The class will be taught by Craig Steinley, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, AI-RRS.  Craig has an extensive resume, including being the 2021 Vice President of the Appraisal Institute and has served as AI's 2022 President Elect, the 2023 President, and is now serving as the Immediate Past President. Craig is an approved AI instructor and seminar developer. The class will be held at First American Title at 8605 E. Raintree, Scottsdale, Arizona 85260 and will be $185 for AI members, $205 otherwise.

Short-term residential rentals (STRs) play an increasing role in the global sharing economy. It’s important that appraisers, lenders, and underwriters become familiar with the nuances of valuing these properties.
In this seminar, you will gain a basic understanding of the global short-term rental market plus increased awareness about the impact of STRs and the emerging methods, or best practices, required to develop credible valuations of this property type.

The seminar provides an overview and brief history of the short-term rental industry, information on aspects of value, FF&E, capitalization rates, going-concern value, motivations of property owners, and proper methods of research. Case study examples demonstrate how to value single-unit, multi-unit, and mixed-use properties that include an STR component.

REGISTER NOW, the class is limited to 40 people.

AI Price :$185
Full Price: $205

For questions about this class, contact Phoenix Chapter representative, Jenny Calabrese at (916) 972-9700, or

Click Here to Register

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The Phoenix Chapter will host 6 hour in ZOOM class Thursday May 23rd, 2024 on Business Practices and Ethics, from 8:30 am - 3:30 pm, pacific standard time.  The class will be taught by Brian J. Flynn, MAI, AI-GRS.  Brian Ted has over 30 years of experience, and has specialized in conservation easements, golf course, subdivisions, marinas, and other unique properties.  In addition he has twenty years of review appraisal experience, and teaches both introduction and advanced appraisal courses.  

This important course provides information about standards and ethics requirements for valuers in general and, more specifically, for valuers who belong to the Appraisal Institute. Through discussion questions and examples, you’ll identify behavior and actions that illustrate violations of the Code of Professional Ethics, and you’ll learn how referrals can be made. You’ll get an introduction to the Appraisal Institute Guide Notes to the Standards of Professional Practice and see how the Guide Notes can be used to resolve everyday appraisal practice problems. Finally, you’ll learn about common errors in appraisal reports and review reports, and they respond to questions about challenges that arise in appraisal practice such as requests for updates and requests to change or add intended users.

REGISTER NOW, the class is limited to 40 people.

AI Price :$185
Full Price: $205

For questions about this class, contact Phoenix Chapter representative, Jenny Calabrese at (916) 972-9700, or

Click Here to Register

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The Phoenix Chapter will host 7 hour in ZOOM class Thursday April 25th, 2024 on USPAP, (Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice), from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, pacific standard time.  The class will be taught by Brian J. Flynn, MAI, AI-GRS.  Brian Ted has over 30 years of experience, and has specialized in conservation easements, golf course, subdivisions, marinas, and other unique properties.  In addition he has twenty years of review appraisal experience, and teaches both introduction and advanced appraisal courses.  

This required 7-hour continuing education course, copyrighted by The Appraisal Foundation, focuses on USPAP requirements for ethical behavior and competent performance by appraisers. The first part of the course addresses the changes to USPAP, which are effective January 1, 2024, and the second focuses on cases studies that challenge you how to apply USPAP to situations you encounter in your daily practice. The course will help you gain competency in USPAP, and it will help those subject to state licensing or certification and continuing education requirements imposed by professional organizations, client groups, or employers gain competency as well.

In the past, the Advisory Opinions and Frequently Asked Questions, which were required materials for the course, were bundled with the USPAP publication. Now they are contained in a separate publication, USPAP Guidance and Reference Manual. This manual provides examples showing the applicability of standards in specific situations and offers advice from the ASB for resolving appraisal issues and problems. It also contains the Reference Index which is a highly useful tool that helps appraisers quickly find answers to USPAP-related questions. This new Guidance and Reference Manual is included with your course handbook. Please note, however, that USPAP 2024, which includes Standards 1-10 and is required for the course, must be purchased separately.

REGISTER NOW, the class is limited to 40 people.

AI Price :$185
Full Price: $205

For questions about this class, contact Phoenix Chapter representative, Jenny Calabrese at (916) 972-9700, or

Click Here to Register

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The Phoenix Chapter will host a 7 hour in ZOOM class Thursday December 14th, 2023 on USPAP, (Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice), from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, mountain standard time.  The class will be taught by Ted Whitmer, MAI, AI-GRS.  Ted is a licensed lawyer and Real Estate Broker in Texas, and has experience teaching every required course in the Institute for MAI designation.  He teaches a workshop designed to assist candidates for designation in their pursuit of an MAI designation, and is one of the best appraisal instructors in the nation. 

This required 7-hour continuing education course, copyrighted by The Appraisal Foundation, focuses on USPAP requirements for ethical behavior and competent performance by appraisers. The first part of the course addresses the changes to USPAP, which are effective January 1, 2024, and the second focuses on cases studies that challenge you how to apply USPAP to situations you encounter in your daily practice. The course will help you gain competency in USPAP, and it will help those subject to state licensing or certification and continuing education requirements imposed by professional organizations, client groups, or employers gain competency as well.

In the past, the Advisory Opinions and Frequently Asked Questions, which were required materials for the course, were bundled with the USPAP publication. Now they are contained in a separate publication, USPAP Guidance and Reference Manual. This manual provides examples showing the applicability of standards in specific situations and offers advice from the ASB for resolving appraisal issues and problems. It also contains the Reference Index which is a highly useful tool that helps appraisers quickly find answers to USPAP-related questions. This new Guidance and Reference Manual is included with your course handbook. Please note, however, that USPAP 2024, which includes Standards 1-10 and is required for the course, must be purchased separately.

REGISTER NOW, the class is limited to 40 people.

AI Price :$185
Full Price: $205

For questions about this class, contact Phoenix Chapter representative, Jenny Calabrese at (916) 972-9700, or

Click Here to Register

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The Phoenix Chapter will host a 7 hour in ZOOM class Tuesday May 9th, 2023 on the Practical Application of Fundamental Analysis. The class will be taught by Kerry Jorgensen, MAI.  Kerry has been teaching A.I. classes for decades, and is considered one of the best instructors in the nation. 

This class will help you better understand Level C marketability analysis.  When market conditions are changing, an understanding of fundamental demand concepts and the ability to apply them is necessary to competently complete the valuation.  This class will help you do that.

REGISTER NOW, the class is limited to 40 people.

AI Price :$185
Full Price: $205

Registration/online check-in: 8:00 am
Instruction from 8:30am - 4:30pm with lunch from 12:00 to 1:00pm, with one 20 minute break in the morning, and one 20 minute break in the afternoon.

National Disclaimer
State Credit
Please note that 100% attendance is required in order to receive any approved state credit or to be awarded AI CE points. It is imperative that you check with your state board for state approval information before completing registration.

Other Information
If you have a disability and require accommodation, please notify the sponsor at least two weeks in advance for reasonable accommodations to be arranged.

The Appraisal Institute reserves the rights to cancel, limit, or reschedule the program and to change instructor assignments and facility locations at any time.

 For questions about this class, contact Phoenix Chapter representative, Jenny Calabrese at (916) 972-9700, or

Click Here to Register

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The Phoenix Chapter will host a 7 hour in person class Thursday October 27, 2022 at the Double Tree in Tempe, at 2100 S. Priest Drive. Please use the link below to register.

REGISTER NOW, the class is limited to 40 people.

The Cost Approach: Unnecessary or Vital to a Healthy Practice? 
(7-Hour, in person class)
October 27, 2022
Instructor: Craig Steinley, MAI, SRA, AI-GRS, AI-RRS 

Registration: 8:00am with class from 8:30am-4:30pm  (there will be a 1-hour lunch break, a 20 minute break in the am, and a 20 minute break during the afternoon session).  Lunch is on your own - none will be provided.

Instruction will be held in person at the Double Tree by Hilton Phoenix-Tempe - 2100 S. Priest Drve, Tempe, Arizona 85282. 

Course Materials included:
Course Handbook (259 Pages)
Course Memo (1 Page)

Additional Information: . If you are seeking credit for this offering froma state outside Arizona, check directly with your state licensing board before registering to marke sure that they will accept credit from an out-of-state provider. 

COVID Protocols:
All registrants attending a live-classroom offering do so at their own risk. Each registrant is individually responsible for being aware of and following state, city and county COVID protocols and guidelines.

Disclaimer Information
We reserve the right to substitute instructors, or to cancel or modify this program if sufficient registrations are not received by October 13 or due to other circumstances beyond our control. In the event of cancellation, tuition fees will be refunded. All other costs incurred are the registrant’s responsibility. Those requiring out-of-town travel arrangements should exercise caution in booking non-refundable tickets/reservations.

National Disclaimer
State Credit
Please note that 100% attendance is required in order to receive any approved state credit or to be awarded AI CE points. It is imperative that you check with your state board for state approval information before completing registration.

Other Information
If you have a disability and require accommodation, please notify the sponsor at least two weeks in advance for reasonable accommodations to be arranged.

The Appraisal Institute reserves the rights to cancel, limit, or reschedule the program and to change instructor assignments and facility locations at any time.

 $195.00 for AI Members $210 for Non members

For questions about this class, contact Phoenix Chapter representative, Jenny Calabrese at (916) 972-9700, or

Click Here to Register

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Online Education allows the appraiser to learn at your own pace anytime, and anywhere.  Top-notch Appraisal Institute courses and seminars come straight to your desktop with online education!  Learn from any computer anywhere, whenever you have time.  It's easy, convenient, and a great way to get the education you want.   Check out the current course listings now!